1. Customizable Query String Options

The Query String options available in Liveform and API allow you to send additional information and customize the KYC process.

2. Basic URL Structure

  • Base Form URL: https://form.argosidentity.com/?pid={project_Id}
  • URL with Query String: https://form.argosidentity.com/?pid={project_Id}&blacklistCountries=false

2-1. Key Query String Parameters

blacklistCountriesTurns off blacklist country restrictions for the specific submission (false only).
approvePeriodTurns off the approved duplicate submission prevention period (false only).
rejectPeriodTurns off the rejected duplicate submission prevention period (false only).
ageLimitTurns off age restriction for the specific submission (false only).
rejectDuplicateUserEnables/disables duplicate submission prevention (true or false accepted).
emailUser’s email address.
useridCustom unique identifier for the user.
pidUnique identifier for each project.
sidUnique identifier for each submission.
cf1Custom option field #1.
cf2Custom option field #2.
cf3Custom option field #3.
allowedCountriesallowedCountries can only be set using the encryption option and cannot be specified directly. e.g., If the encrypted value {'allowedCountries': 'USA,KOR'} is provided, only United States (USA) and South Korea (KOR) will be allowed.

All Query String values must be URL-encoded.

Below is an example of ID Check with and without an email query parameter.

2-2. Unique User ID and Custom Fields

  • Generate a unique user ID for KYC submitter identification during API calls.
  • Add up to three custom fields (cf1, cf2, cf3) to transmit additional information.

3. Token ID Options

The tokenId is a string used for Liveform submissions in Private Mode.

Purpose: Prevent shared or duplicate use of the same URL.

3-1. Token Validation

Validation fails (error occurs) under the following conditions:

  1. Time Expiry: More than 3 minutes have elapsed since the first use.
  2. Existing Valid Submission: There is an existing submission with a determined KYC status (approved, rejected, pending).

If the above conditions are not met, multiple users may proceed with the same Token ID simultaneously.

3-2. Methods to Check Token ID

  • Webhook
  • GET Submission API (single retrieval using submission_id)
  • Download Submission CSV from the dashboard

3-3. URL Structure for Token ID

  • Base Form URL: https://form.argosidentity.com/?pid={project_Id}
  • URL with Token ID: https://form.argosidentity.com/?pid={project_Id}&token={tokenId}

By using this guide, you can effectively leverage Query String and Token ID options in ID Check to optimize your KYC process and enhance user experience.