This event is triggered when previously submitted KYC information is updated. Updates can occur due to manual changes by an administrator or system-driven modifications. This webhook allows you to track changes to KYC data in real-time and take immediate necessary actions.
Webhook event type - updated
indicates that user information has been updated.
Unique identifier for each KYC submission.
Email address of the KYC submitter.
An object containing the updated user data.
Email of the administrator who performed the update via the dashboard.
Timestamp of the update (UTC+0, ISO 8601 format).
Age category of the submitter:
: 13 years and under,
: 14–15 years,
: 16–17 years,
: 18 years and older.
Gender of the submitter (“male” or “female”).
Submitter’s date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD format).
Submitter’s nationality (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code).
Unique identifier for the KYC submitter as defined by the client.
Token ID used for submissions in private mode live forms.