Encryption Options

Query String Encryption

Query String Encryption

Secure Data Transmission Options

Secure Data Transmission Options

Encryption/Decryption Methods

Encryption/Decryption Methods

1. Query String Encryption

Sensitive data sent via URL query strings is encrypted using the AES-256 encryption method.


Prepare Data in JSON Format


Perform AES-256 Encryption Using the Provided API Key


Add Encrypted Data to the URL as the 'encrypted' Query Parameter

Caution: The following query parameters are not encrypted: pid, lang, sid, action.
The pid, lang query strings and the sid, action query strings used on the “Additional Process (Injection)” page do not support encryption.

2. Query String Encryption and Decryption Methods

2-1. Key Generation Process


Generate Hashed Key


Encryption Example

Below are examples of encrypting data using AES-256


Decryption Example

Below are examples of decrypting data encrypted with AES-256

3. Secure Data Transmission Options

API methods (POST/SUBMISSION, GET/SUBMISSION, PUT/SUBMISSION, WEBHOOK) encrypt transmitted data using and .

3-1. Key Features

  • Uses AES-256-CBC algorithm for data encryption
  • Ensures data integrity and authentication through PKI
  • Enhances data protection during transmission

3-2. Data Encryption and Decryption Process

Data transmitted via API is encrypted using AES-256-CBC, and key management is based on SHA-256 hashing.

  1. Encryption Algorithm Details
  • Encryption method: AES-256-CBC
  • Key generation: SHA-256 hash-based
  • Output encoding: Base64
  1. Encryption Parameters
  • Key size: 32 bytes (256 bits)
  • IV size: 16 bytes (128 bits)
  • Character encoding: UTF-8

3-3. Payload Encryption Process

The following JavaScript and Java/Kotlin example demonstrates the client-side data encryption process.

3-4. Payload Decryption Process

The following JavaScript and Java/Kotlin example demonstrates how to decrypt the received encrypted data.

3-5. Examples